Friday, May 8, 2009

Hello Pink Eye

Oh man! Isnt that just GREAT?! i have pink eye :[ it really hurts. And i can barely right that much in this blog cause yeauh. im not wearing contacts or glasses cuz it just hurts even more so yeauh and eye drops dont help at all either. If your filipino i have a LOT of mutha :p its sooo NASTY! But yeauh :[ whatevers.

Today was pretty lame. This stupid pink eye but still went to school cuz it wasnt bad until i went there but whatevers its still good. Damn i had a test today and wasnt so great i was sooo out of it today. But whatever.
No plans on a friday night of course and hopefully im better :] because its SLEEPOVER at yvettes house. WOOT WOOT!im excited but yeauh whatevers shooots.

Okay BESTFRIEND! i keep posting about you! lmao but seriously! CHOOSE WHO YOU WANNA BE WITH! seriously. I mean that one girl you like dont like you back and you want a last kiss from her then youll get over her?! bestfriend thats not right. Thats just being a man whore. Set up goals for youself since you wanna change so bad yaknow? But im still here to be the bestfriend and play my part but if your not gunna take my advice anymore im just not gunna be there to give you advice no more. kaye?

Baby ko! gusto ko ikaw mag punta dito kase may saket ako. :[ miss miss kita den SHIIIET! but yeauh i cant see you tomorrow which im really sad about but yeauh i get to go shopping with you on MONDAY :] hahaha and my moms actually up for taking you home cuz she knows were taking her shopping. Thats the only reason why lmao. but yeauh its okay i still love her. Damn that means shes gunna have to go home early cuz we be shopping for a LONG time finding my damn dress and going shopping fer her and a lil shopping fer you baby. haha. Well yeauh. ill call you in a bit. all the fones are taken :[ and obviously your moms using the fone. BLEH. alrights.

Hopefully this month just gets better cuz right now its allergy season and it aint going so well :[
