Hey bestfriend! thanks for making me look like a total dumbass in front of everyone! Well not everyone but yaknow just mah buddies. But seriously i dont get why your like that. I thought maybe we can be like really close and cool without and problemos but im getting second thoughts. I mean i kinda dont like the way you act at times. Just like my friend seys "hes making his life so complicated" & its true bestie. Im not tryna be mean or anything but its true. Well im not telling you to change yourself up but you gotta realize what your doing to other people and maybe youll understand why all these people think that about you. Im still here for you buddy but just gotta open up your ears and listen and open thous gorgeous eyes of yours and see what your doing kaye? :]
Please please please calm down frances. I really do. i cant be mad anymore. Were going sooo good i cant stop that and its our 3 months tomorrow calm down who cares if hes there right? His brother only wants to see her lil sister. She has a boyfriend. But why am i feeling this way. I mean i love her and all like im cool with her but i dont know for some reason i KNOW she dosent like me &nd im not gunna keep acting stupid cuz i KNOW she dislikes me very bad and the only reason why shes oh so very nice to me is cuz me and that other chick were sooo cool but since were not anymore shes acting totally different. idontknow whats going on but im starting to be really disappointed in all of them for just pretending to be my friend which i really dont like i mean if you dont wanna be my friend then dont. Dont feel sorry i can take care of myself thank you very much.
i need to change. Not just cause this person told me to but for myself ive been saying to myself that i needa change but i really do. I have realized so much in the past months and i have been progressing but i just gotta push it a lil more. I needa stop with my little attitudes.(which i may remind you are getting better beckause no attitude to my mommy) I needa change up the whole easily jelous thang a lang because thats not gunna take me no where especially with me thing negative ALL THE TIME. I needa stop that b$. Anything else i should change?
Today though was FUN afterschool. But now that im home im kinda BLAH about this whole thing with you going to her house all by yourself ALL THE TIME. I know you guys are bestfriends but it kinda BUGS. you see her EVERY DAMN DAY! >:] Sorry im a b*tch but its true. Whatevers but yeauh i love how you ask teachers to say something in front of the camera and they ssay like a whole speech lmao shoots.
Well i just wanna thank all my buddies for being there from the whole start....Krisinte Salinas, Yvette Lozano,Jayvin Maramba, Danielle Foley,&nd Krystal Mendoza.(basically my TWILIGHT family)

Mothers Day children?
3 months?! :]
p.s its not my fault jacob! you just IM me at a bad time :] ily buddy! i never talk to you no more!! lets become B-F-F-S again. lol.